Author Archives: Usha Bhavani

Usha is a freelance writer, editor and proofreader with years of experience working with clients around the world, and has ghostwritten several eBooks. She has more than a decade of executive experience in the health field. An avid Internet marketer with expertise in all aspects of marketing and advertising, Usha has also authored an eBook on Internet marketing. She writes on business, management, health, Internet marketing, technology and a host of other subjects. Her future plans include publishing a non-fiction novel.

Vehicle To Vehicle Comms      “Here I Am” Says Your Car
Vehicle To Vehicle Comms      “Here I Am” Says Your Car

Vehicle To Vehicle Comms “Here I Am” Says Your Car


As a young girl, I never missed a single show of the “Knight Rider”. I loved Kit and his ability to talk to the Hoff and warn "Danger Ahead!” My first car, a Mazda 323 was witness to all my teenage idiosyncrasies. As a vehicle owner, y...